parts A and B

Introduction to Medicare parts A and B

Medicare Part A and Part B are two parts of the health insurance program for older Americans. Medicare Part A covers hospital expenses, while Medicare Part B coverage includes medical expenses. If you want to enroll in either part, there are some important things to know before you do so.

What are the benefits of Medicare Parts A and B?

Medicare parts A and B are the two main parts of Medicaid. They provide health care coverage to people who are not eligible for Medicare but are too poor to buy their own insurance.

Medicare Part A covers most hospital and doctor visits, skilled nursing care, home health services, and hospice care. People with this type of insurance may also receive other benefits like eyeglasses or hearing aids if they need them, and it doesn’t matter what kind of plan you buy, whether it’s a private policy or a group plan through your place of employment.

Medicare Part B coverage includes outpatient services like physical therapy and X-ray machines; lab tests such as urine screens (called “urinalysis”) that check for kidney disease; preventive screenings such as mammograms and colonoscopies; certain vaccines (such as chickenpox); and immunizations against strep throat, streptococcal pneumonia, meningitis, and pneumococcal pneumonia when given within 24 hours after exposure.

Who can enroll in Medicare Parts A and B?

To enroll in Medicare Part A, you must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen or legal resident (or have been for at least five years).
  • Meet all of the following requirements:
  • have paid into Medicare on time for a set number of quarters (quarters are equal to 12 months). The amount you contributed to your own plan does not count toward this requirement.If you aren’t sure how long it has been since your last payment or if any payments may have been made before starting work, check with your employer or union representative about this matter and make sure that they are aware of what their employees’ eligibility status is with regard to receiving benefits through Medicaid before making any decisions regarding whether or not they should apply for enrollment into Parts A and B insurance plans offered by businesses within their industry sector(s).

When you should enroll in Medicare Parts A and B

If you are 65 or older, have a disability, and receive Social Security benefits (SSI), you may be eligible for Medicare Part A. If your income is at or below 133% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and you meet other conditions, then you may also qualify for this benefit.

You can also enroll in Part A once every six months as long as there are no changes in your income status or Social Security benefits that would affect whether or not the plan covers services at Medicare Advantage organizations.

If you are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, then your state will automatically enroll you in Part A. If you do not qualify for this benefit, then it is up to you to enroll in Part A.

Cost of Medicare Parts A and B

The cost of Medicare will depend on your income, but the average cost per month is $445. This amount varies by state and county, so it’s important to check with your local program administrator or the National Coverage Database (NCD) before enrolling in Medicare Parts A and B.

If you have high-deductible health plans through your employer, the monthly premium for Part A could be higher than what you’d pay if you had traditional health coverage through an insurer or HMO plan; these plans tend to have lower premiums but higher deductibles for services covered under Part A.

The annual deductible for both medicare part A and B coverage ranges from $300 to $500 depending on where you live, so if your plan includes a higher deductible amount, then it may not be worth purchasing both parts of Medicare until after this threshold has been reached (usually after three months).

Important facts about enrolling in Medicare Parts A and B

Medicare A and B are available to anyone who is 65 or older, disabled, or under 65 with end-stage renal disease.

If you’re eligible for both Medicare Parts A and B (or just one), you may be able to get more help paying for health care than if your doctor recommends only one plan. This is called dual-eligible enrollment; it means that if you want both plans, your total monthly premium will be lower than with traditional single enrollment because the government pays part of each plan’s premiums instead of just paying part of one plan’s premiums—as happens when people enroll in both Medicare Parts A and B at once.


Medicare is a great program that allows you to get good health care while paying less than you would if you bought private insurance. The only problem is that the process can be confusing, especially since there are so many different parts to Medicare and each part has its own rules.I hope that you found this article helpful!

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